Managing With Dr. Meli
Managing With Dr. Meli
A Healthy Relationship With Food, with Delilah Bisase RD
We are inundated by our environment about what it means to have a healthy relationship with food. There are so many shoulds and should nots being thrown out there that sometimes it can be overwhelming.
So what does it look like to manage a healthy relationship with food?
This week I’m chatting with registered dietitian Delilah Bisase. In this episode we chat about how to cultivate a healthy and grounded relationship with food, what can get in the way of that, and the impact that food can have on our body, mind, and spirit. Delilah Bisase is a registered dietitian who specializes in vegan and vegetarian nutrition for pregnancy and postpartum. She is also a certified Reiki energy healer and incorporates a holistic approach to her work with nutrition. After rigorous clinical training, she pivoted to the holistic side of nutrition after realizing the conventional Western approach to nutrition and health only focuses on weight, and does not get to the root cause of health issues. Delilah is a non-diet, intuitive eating dietitian who helps her clients develop a healthy relationship with food so that they’re not simply learning what to eat, but also how to eat in a way that supports their mental and emotional health, and respects their body.
Learn more about Delilah at remedybydelilah.com/ or connect with her on Instagram @remedybydelilah
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