Managing With Dr. Meli
Managing With Dr. Meli
Self Love with Jordan Leverette
We hear a lot about self-love and the benefits of loving yourself but what in the heck does that actually look like?
This week, I’m chatting with self-love guru and associate marriage and family therapist, Jordan Leverette. In this episode, we chat about all things self-love. Why is self-love important? What is the relationship between self-love and setting boundaries? What are the implications or risk factors for not loving ourselves? And how can we take steps toward truly loving ourselves?
Jordan is a multicultural Black-identified Orange County Associate Marriage and Family Therapist and Cal State Fullerton Adjunct Professor whose work is grounded in anti-racist, queer-affirming, culturally aware, and trauma-informed care. Her clinical specialties include supporting victims and survivors of domestic violence by separating from codependency and moving towards individualization and reclaiming their sense of self. Jordan seeks to help clients make radical self-love and compassion a little less radical.
Learn more about Jordan on IG @selfloversintherapy or on her website https://jordanleverette.com/
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