Managing With Dr. Meli
Managing With Dr. Meli
Life After Military Service, with Nate Graeser
Dr. Nathan (Nate) Graeser is both a Social Worker and an Army Chaplain in the California National Guard. He serves on numerous local and national boards and is a national expert on policies and programs for supporting service-members transitioning out of the military. He has led multiple Veteran initiatives including Warrior Bards, the Los Angeles Veterans Collaborative and, most recently with Southern California Grantmakers to build the first county-wide Veteran Peer Access Network. As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, he has worked tirelessly to counsel hundreds of veterans and their families who return home from war. He lives in Highland Park in an eco-friendly house with chickens, bees and three small humans ages six, four, and two. In this episode, Nate and I discuss managing the challenges that accompany life after military service and talk about identifying and managing some of those challenges. We will also discuss how to utilize a more community and human approach to engage veterans in our community.
You can connect with Dr. Graeser via LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/nathan-graeser-8b9bb47/
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